Should I Hire A Financial Advisor?

I often hear from new clients that have started working with me that they “wished they would have started this process sooner.”

Working with a financial advisor is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make in your financial life, and studies have shown that investors who work with an advisor are generally more confident about reaching their goals.

For many, though, it’s a process they put off because the idea of hiring a financial advisor can be overwhelming. But I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be, and here are four reasons you should consider hiring an advisor.

You’re not confident in going it alone.

Most of us are more than capable of managing our own money. Between all the books, articles on the internet, and videos on YouTube, we have much financial information available to us. But sifting through it all and applying it to our own personal situations can be challenging. And we don’t even know where to get started.

Working with a financial advisor can help you cut through the noise and craft a financial plan and investment strategy best suited to help you work towards your goals.

You feel unsure about your money and investments and need a new perspective on your financial situation.

Many of you have been successful do-it-yourself investors. You have amassed quite the nest egg between your retirement plans and personal savings and investment accounts.

But you find yourself questioning whether it’s enough. Or whether a large purchase, such as a new car or vacation home, would derail your retirement plans.

Being confident that your decisions today will have you on track to reach your goals can be daunting. A trusted financial advisor can help ease that anxiety and uncertainty by providing objective advice and helping you make better-informed financial decisions.

Your financial life has become more complicated, and you feel overwhelmed.

Think about this. You go from starting your career and being single to getting married and starting a family. Your responsibilities at work and at home grow exponentially. As our lives get increasingly more complicated, so do our finances.

For business owners, the layers of complexity are even more so.

Over time, managing your financial life begins to feel like a second job. And one that you don’t have time for.

A good financial advisor will help you take control of your financial life and provide a comprehensive plan that accounts for your personal situation, including your family needs and responsibilities, allowing you to maintain control of the big-picture decisions while outsourcing the tedious work to your advisor.

You don’t think you have enough to work with a Financial Advisor

While some firms have implemented steep minimums even to have a conversation with an advisor, let alone work with them, many more have not.

One of the biggest detriments I see is when a prospect comes into my office, and they’ve been trying to go it alone for so many years because they didn’t think they had enough to work with a financial advisor.

Often, they find themselves lost, confused, and unsure of what steps to take. And regardless of the amount you have saved and can invest, working with an advisor can put you on the right path to saving for your goals and retirement.

No matter your situation or stage of life, working with a financial advisor can help remove financial stress by providing tailored advice that enables you to make better financial decisions.

If you find yourself in need of a trusted advisor, give me a call. I know you’ll find it’s not as overwhelming as you may think.