How to Create a Savings Strategy for Your Financial Goals

Saving money to meet your goals isn’t always enough to get to where you want to be—you need a savings strategy to make sure your savings are optimizing your progress toward your goals and working for you, not against you. An optimal savings strategy is one that best suits your unique financial profile.  As with most questions…

4 Reasons ‘Work Optional’ Can Lead to a More Fulfilling Early Retirement

The concept of early retirement is becoming a more attractive option for many people who would like to spend less of their time working and more of their time living.  With that said, some individuals and families find that even though they’d technically like to retire early, they’re not quite ready to give up working…

What You Can Expect When You Work With Caviness Wealth Management

As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, my greatest motivation is to help my clients reach their goals. When starting a new relationship, we make it clear that financial planning and wealth management strategies are not just about achieving numerical goals, but about how those numerical goals will help you realize your lifestyle and life’s worth goals.…