Investing Is Simple, But Not Easy: When It’s Time to Hire a Financial Planner

Familiar with do-it-yourself investing? Many people think they know best when it comes to managing their own investments. And in some cases, they do, especially when they’re financially literate and market savvy. However, that doesn’t mean one should set sail on the financial seas alone.  Yes, investing is simple, but it’s not easy. Hiring an…

6 Brilliant Ways to Catch Up on Retirement Savings

If you’re behind on your retirement savings, you are far from alone. As of 2019, nearly two-thirds of Americans in their 40s had less than $100,000 saved for retirement. Likewise, more than half of Americans in their 50s still had less than $100,000 in retirement accounts. Maybe you’re a lifelong procrastinator. Or maybe you’ve been planning to buckle…