Top 7 Disadvantages of Early Retirement and How You Can Overcome Them

In theory, early retirement sounds like an absolute dream. Save enough money, quit your job in your 50’s or even your early 60’s, and everything should be golden, right? Unfortunately, there are a few disadvantages of early retirement that can be detrimental to your early retirement ambitions if not adequately planned for.  Today we’re covering…


4 Reasons ‘Work Optional’ Can Lead to a More Fulfilling Early Retirement

The concept of early retirement is becoming a more attractive option for many people who would like to spend less of their time working and more of their time living.  With that said, some individuals and families find that even though they’d technically like to retire early, they’re not quite ready to give up working…


What Is Early Retirement? 4 Ways Early Retirees Live Their Best Life

What with business disruptions from the Covid-19 pandemic, high rates of extreme employee burnout, and the increasing popularity of the FIRE community (which stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early), the concept of early retirement is a hot topic in 2021.  Although many people in 2020 and 2021 were forced to retire early against their wishes, others are sitting in their office…


Why Health Insurance Is Such an Important Part of Your Financial Plan

For the past month, we’ve been writing and posting about different aspects of employee benefits packages and how your choices regarding your benefits play an important role in your overall financial circumstances. One of the reasons we’ve been writing about employee benefits this month is that the open enrollment period is quickly approaching for most…


Open Enrollment Coming Up? Now is a Good Time to Review Your 401(k) Investments. Here’s How

If you’re like most Americans saving for retirement, you’re probably contributing to a 401(k) account that’s either employer-sponsored or that you’ve set up through a business you own. If your 401(k) is employer-sponsored, your open enrollment period may be approaching, which means you have the opportunity to change your benefits selections if you want to.…
